Movie Viewer Section


Movie Viewers are applications that will allow you to view and manipulate movies files such as Quicktime, MPEG, or Microsoft AVI

HyperCamDownload Now!

  • Version Number: 1.20.04
  • Revision Date: December 4, 1997
  • File Name:
  • Byte Size: 258,586
  • License: Shareware
  • Homepage:
  • NT Compatible: Yes
  • Description: HyperCam captures the action from Windows 95 or NT screen in any graphics mode, including cursor movements and sound, and saves it to standard AVI movie files. The interface is easy to use, much like just doing a screen capture. Perfect for demonstrations, presentations and tutorials.
    4.5 Cows

NET TOOBDownload Now!

  • Version Number: 3.3 7/7/97 Release
  • Revision Date: July 7, 1997
  • File Name: nettoob95.exe
  • Byte Size: 1,315,111
  • License: Shareware
  • Homepage:
  • NT Compatible: Yes
  • Description: A good viewer for MPEG, .AVI, and .MOV... Well you get the picture. Also works as a plugin for viewing streaming mpeg's in Netscape and Explorer.
    5 Cows

QuickTime PlayerDownload Now!

  • Version Number: 3.0 Beta 2
  • Revision Date: December 2, 1997
  • File Name: QT30b2.exe
  • Byte Size: 5,285,162
  • License: Freeware
  • HomePage:
  • NT Compatible: Yes
  • Description: Allows Web browser to display QuickTime VR scenes and object movies.

    5 Cows

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